Tips for a successful search

Using specific industry keywords and phrases will generate the best results for your search. Generic terms like asphalt, building materials, chemicals, etc. will generate a large number of results.
If you are searching to see if we perform a specific Test Method or Specification, use the  Product Testing Index
Call us anytime 813-621-5777


Product Validation / Certification

Validation / Certification

PRI maintains product validation and/or certification services. Product Validation / Certification programs assist clients, consumers, and other marketplace participants in attesting product conformity to standard requirement(s) and to differentiate product(s) in the marketplace. PRI offers Product Validation / Certification programs to global markets in:

Any information contained within PRI’s Product Validation / Certification programs, including product listing directories, is subject to the Certification Agreement between PRI and its Client. PRI's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. PRI assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client and as detailed within the Agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this information. Use of the PRI name and its certification mark(s) for the sale or advertisement of the certified product must first be approved in writing by PRI. PRI’s Product Validation / Certification programs and all services provisioned therein are for the purpose of assuring appropriate use of the certification mark(s) in accordance with the Agreement; PRI’s Product Validation / Certification programs are not for the purposes of production quality control, and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect.